BBM iOS Updated!

BBM iOS Updated!

Kalau dari app store kira kira gini.

What’s New in Version 300.0.9.32

  • Introduced Me and Discover screen into the main navigation menu.
  • Combined BBM Groups and group management features into the Chat screen. All chat conversations are in a single place now.
  • Moved BBM profile picture to the “Me” menu.
  • Introduced ability to swipe left on chat list items to mute conversations.
  • Introduced BBM Channels in BBM Discover screen.
  • Improved discoverability of channel chat with the introduction of channel representative.
  • Channel Owners can designate a human or bot channel representative to provide real time responses.
  • Existing users with e-mail accounts can add a phone number to their profile to easily find new friends on BBM.
  • Introduced ability to sign in using phone number or e-mail.
  • BBM Discover screen is in list view for easier discoverability.
  • Introduced the ability to report invites as spam.

Ini adalah hasil kolaborasi antara tim Jakarta dengan Canada. Inti dari update ini adalah better spam handling dan juga revamp UI ( more to come ). So download BBM terbaru, and tell us what you think.

Click here for the link