Tech Talk Video — Analytics This Tech talk is about introduction to Analytics Pillar in BBMSo, let’s check the video in …Tech Talk #76 - Analytics This Tech talk is about introduction to Analytics Pillar in
How to enable Lint GradleDependency when use dependency substitution In these day, there are many ways to make your gradle file looks clean and more structured. Even more, if you have many module and there will be many duplication dependencies you will write in your gradle file. One of the way, you can use is dependency substitution. Which means
Story about us migrating from RxSwift to Swift Concurrency Once upon a time there’s a team who changed the supported iOS version to iOS 13 as the minimum version. So they could upgrade their RxSwift library to RxSwift version 6.5.0 but some people from the team want to try to migrate to Swift Concurrency. That makes
5 tips of efficient remote engineering communications One of our company engineering culture revolves around extreme programming. On the previous read post pandemic communication, we talked about 3 ways to collaborate. In this story, i would like to share several tips to keep a fast and efficient communications with Async Pairing. but again, it is